Monday 17 October 2011

Further more I am perfectly capable of copng with a completely new lifestyle. Providing it's exactly the same as the one I have now... or better.

Anna-(Nickname-TBC)-Tidey and I went to look at another flat on Saturday. We kinda fell in love with it. To say it was perfect might be just a little of an understatement. It was simply beautiful and most importantly cheap

Within 2 minutes of being inside the flat we had already dubbed it our own and were ready to sign on the dotted line. As soon as I got back home I was on the phone to the letting agents, telling them how much we wanted the flat. Unfortunately however the woman I needed to talk to was not back until Monday so I held my breath and hoped (Not literally of course because then I would be writing this dead and I'm sure if that were the case it wouldn't have nearly as many words in it). 

Leah-The-Letting-Agent rang me today and told me that the landlord had picked someone else. I sighed and text Anna-(Nickname-TBC)-Tidey. She sighed and said we'd just keep looking. If I'm honest we kinda guessed we wouldn't get it as he wanted someone in there now and we weren't available to move for a while. 

Because of this I'm not too gutted about the whole thing but I am worried about the inevitable repercussions of this situation. You see, we've seen the perfect house. Now we know that we can get all of our dreams in an cheap and breezy package. 

This means that from now on we will forever be comparing all viewings to this one. Whenever a flat has a room 5cm smaller or is asking for £50 a month more, I fear we will turn our nose up to it because we've seen. There are better things out there. 

As such I predict that we may fall into such a pattern that the day before we are due to move out we still won't have anything so will resort to a bejazzled cardboard box with a trench out back for a toilet in a nearby stretch of green to our local train station.  

Instead of showering we will rely on our countries wet weather, running outside with our soap and shampoo the moment it pours down. I think if we were there long enough we should be able to fashion some form of shower out of the local park's climbing frame, providing we could find a bucket with some holes in it...

Either that or, instead of paying rent, we spend our money on a gym membership and use the showers in there... Ooh I like! We could collect bricks from various construction sites and buy that really strong super glue from the local shop. Then slowly but surely we can build our own house. 

Oh dude. I think I'm in love with this plan. Screw paying rent I'm going to suggest to Anna-(Nickname-TBC)-Tidey that we do this instead. That's just awesome. Excuse me while I go revel in my awesome idea. 

Peace out my lovelies. 

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